Category: ConfigMgr (SCCM)


Breaking your collections down into smaller subsets

A common requirement, when deploying something to a larger group of computers is, that you don’t want to distribute it to all at once. It might be as simple as targeting a smaller subset of devices for testing purposes, or you want to spread the distribution incrementally over a series...


Creating a collection of VPN devices

With so many people working from home these days, handling devices that are connected via VPN has become challenging for many companies. Looking at this from the ConfigMgr perspective, there are several aspects that we might want to do differently, depending on if a device is connected via VPN or...


Exporting Task Sequences from ConfigMgr to plain xml files

In the last blog post I showed a script that would allow you to import a Task Sequence from an xml file as the ones being created by the Task Sequence monitoring script (see for details). As this covered a need that I basically created myself by publishing a...


Importing Task Sequences into SCCM/ConfigMgr

The Problem One of my probably mostly used scripts is a VBScript that monitors for any changes on Task Sequences in SCCM and exports a copy for backup purposes when an updated task sequence is saved. Please see for further details about the script itself. Even it has been...


Start, Cancel or Delete a SCCM Client Operation

In my last post, I demonstrated how to call the InitiateClientOperation method from the SMS_ClientOperation WMI class to run a SCEP Full Scan. However, this call itself is pretty limited for daily administration, as it requires “internal” information like the CollectionID, ResourceID or some TypeID for the Operation itself. Probably...


Initiate SCEP Full Scan by script using SCCM Client Operations

Lets assume you have a security device that detects computers possibly infected by some malware. Wouldn’t it be nice to automatically initiate some immediate action for remediation? I recently had such a requirement where we wanted to automatically start a definition download and full scan on those computers. It’s pretty...


UEFI and ConfigMgr 2012 issues I – Bootable media

Recently, I had to prepare some UEFI based Windows 8 deployments to tablets using ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 CU2 and ran into a couple issues that I would like to write down, as I wasted quite some time to get those resolved. Some of those issues have already been mentioned in...

Approving updates from ConfigMgr SCUP to WSUS 0

Approving updates from ConfigMgr SCUP to WSUS

Even if I’m deploying images using ConfigMgr, I’m still a big fan of creating my reference images using MDT LiteTouch. It’s faster, easier to automate, easier to tweak and if using thin images, there is even not much duplication involved (but that’s a different discussion ). In such cases, I also...