Windows AutoPilot and mainboard replacements – Or “how random computer show up in your tenant”

Motherboard replacement

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2 Responses

  1. RB says:

    Hey there! I’m a system refurbisher and have encountered my first system that came from someone using Intune/Autopilot. I know who it is since their config auto downloaded but have no direct relationship with them so it’d be awkward to email them a “hey can you remove this from your end?”. They’re a big enough corp that I doubt they even purge their rolls automatically, and instead just give a blank check to MS for annual licenses.

    Is there anything I can do on my end or should I just salvage the board for parts?

  1. July 15, 2022

    […] Windows AutoPilot and mainboard replacements – Or “how random computer show up in your t… […]

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