Tagged: MDT 2012

New features in MDT 2012 – Download files from the internet 0

New features in MDT 2012 – Download files from the internet

Sometimes it would be nice to be able to download some files from the internet or intranet during deployments. Maybe to get some updated tools like bginfo.exe or store some configuration or wizard files outside of your boot image etc. This is quite easy to achieve for files that are...

New Stuff in MDT 2012 – native VHD support 0

New Stuff in MDT 2012 – native VHD support

As probably most of you have seen already, the Beta 1 of the upcoming MDT 2012 has been published to connect (Download link) recently (Announcement by Michael Niehaus). Main intent for this update is enabling support for the upcoming ConfigMgr 2012. But the team also included a couple other updates...