Tagged: Deployment


Announcement – The most advanced OSD book yet

I’m very proud to announce the most advanced OSD book yet, available on November 20, 2014. This is Stealing with Pride – Volume 1! Written by the Deployment Artist Johan Arwidmark and some contribution by me, this is the ultimate source for the working IT Pro who wants to customize...

MDT Monitoring Deep Dive IV – Sending more information 0

MDT Monitoring Deep Dive IV – Sending more information

In my post MDT Monitoring Deep Dive II – Consuming the data yourself, I showed you how you can write your own web service, that consumes the MDT monitoring information. The next thing we will cover is, how we can send even more information from MDT and also make use...

MDT Monitoring Deep Dive III – Returning settings to a Computer 1

MDT Monitoring Deep Dive III – Returning settings to a Computer

If you enable the MDT Monitoring, you also enable kind of a “hidden” feature, that will give you just another way of setting properties on computers that are being deployed. One of the most important tasks in MDT is the gather process. It collects information locally on the client computer...

MDT Monitoring – Deep Dive II – Consuming the data yourself 0

MDT Monitoring – Deep Dive II – Consuming the data yourself

As mentioned in my last post, MDT 2012 comes with an interesting monitoring option. It installs a web service, where events are being posted to and which the workbench queries to get the current status of all running and recently finished deployments. But as we also got aware, it’s posting...

MDT Monitoring – Deep Dive I 0

MDT Monitoring – Deep Dive I

The new monitoring feature is probably one of the most interesting and underestimated features of MDT 2012. In this version, its just some “initial” implementation, but it has great potential and in contrast to other custom extensions that have been available before, it’s tightly integrated and working out-of-the-box with support...

Deployment Web service – Version 7.3 published 5

Deployment Web service – Version 7.3 published

Today I published version 7.3 of the Deployment web service. Beside some small bug fixes and minor additions, three new features have been added:   1. SCCM Client Center support A completely new web service part has been added that’s exposing a couple of functions (55 to be accurate) from...

TechNet Radio Interview 0

TechNet Radio Interview

I recently had an interview with John Baker for TechNet Radio which has just been published. Check it out at http://bit.ly/mMBOr8. Thanks to John Baker and Chris Caldwell for taking the time.  At the end there is a demo of the new version 2 of the MDT Web FrontEnd and...

Implementing a (very) simple Maintenance mode in MDT Litetouch 3

Implementing a (very) simple Maintenance mode in MDT Litetouch

While preparing for a session about MDT enhancements at the MMS 2011 (find the video at DeploymentResearch), Mikael Nyström had a very interesting idea for a web service demo. The idea was to implement something simple that allows to set a single or all locations into some kind of “Maintenance...

Back from MMS 2011 0

Back from MMS 2011

Back from MMS 2011 in Las Vegas and somehow managed to catch a cold and even lost my voice this morning. Did I mention already, that I hate all those air-conditions? However that gives me some time to prepare and publish the source code of a couple of the web...