Start, Cancel or Delete a SCCM Client Operation

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3 Responses

  1. Tom says:

    Is it possible to use this script during a Task Sequence?

    I am building a TS for building a Golden Image for VDI.
    One of the things you want to do is run a full scan before you make an image of the drive.

    Running your script in the VM shows a missing module named “ConfigMgr”. That sounds like the script will only run on the SCCM server, or a client running the SCCM console?


    • Maik Koster says:

      Hi Tom,

      yes, the script requires a custom Module “ConfigMgr”, which is published at Another option is to use the “Standalone” version of this script which you will find in the folder called “Standalone” at the same location as the script itself.

      If you are running a task sequence anyway, it might be easier to just call mpcmdrun locally on the computer. There are command line switches for most operations. The script mentioned above would initiate this action by getting back to the ConfigMgr Provider server which then would try to connect back to the client.


  2. Tom says:

    For some reason it won’t let me type in the message box when I click “Antworten”.

    I missed that part about the module then. I noticed the Standalone script, but wasn’t sure of the why. Now I do.

    Running mpcmdrun would be my next thing. I was searching for command line running of the scan, and stumbled on your link as one of the first hits.
    Reading your explanation this would be a better choice for me.



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