Tagged: PowerShell


Initiate SCEP Full Scan by script using SCCM Client Operations

Lets assume you have a security device that detects computers possibly infected by some malware. Wouldn’t it be nice to automatically initiate some immediate action for remediation? I recently had such a requirement where we wanted to automatically start a definition download and full scan on those computers. It’s pretty...


Immediately see what your PowerShell script does – move the main code to the top

I’m currently updating/rewriting a whole slew of PowerShell scripts that I have created over the last couple years into something less “hacky”. As scripts grow larger they become harder to read or understand the logic. A typical and recommended approach is to break it up and separate certain functionality or...

Approving updates from ConfigMgr SCUP to WSUS 0

Approving updates from ConfigMgr SCUP to WSUS

Even if I’m deploying images using ConfigMgr, I’m still a big fan of creating my reference images using MDT LiteTouch. It’s faster, easier to automate, easier to tweak and if using thin images, there is even not much duplication involved (but that’s a different discussion ). In such cases, I also...

Searching for Drivers in MDT 0

Searching for Drivers in MDT

Today I had an interesting question. Someone wanted to be able to see all the PnP IDs of the imported drivers so he could easily check if a specific device was already supported. While this information is available in the properties of each driver, its not shown in a column...

2010 Scripting Games 0

2010 Scripting Games

OK, even if they have started already it’s not to late to still join this years Scripting Games. If you are like me and not yet that into PowerShell and would like to start digging more into the topic, that’s a good starting point. You have several events all covering...