2010 Scripting Games
OK, even if they have started already it’s not to late to still join this years Scripting Games.
If you are like me and not yet that into PowerShell and would like to start digging more into the topic, that’s a good starting point. You have several events all covering a specific problems you experience quite often. That can be handling of files, manipulating the Registry, gathering information about the local or remote computer, handling permission, etc.
The tasks required for each event differ between “Beginner” and “Advanced” and you can submit scripts for both if you want.
What I find very interesting is, that you still have the possibility to submit vbscript solutions. So I take this as a possibility to solve a specific problem using vbscript and powershell. Especially if it comes to the advanced tasks, the difference between implementing a solution in powershell and vbcript is sometimes incredible. As I’m pretty sure some of these tasks have been added on purpose to show up the capabilities powershell above vbscript, it’s still a nice eye opener 😉
So invest some time and join the 2010 Scripting Games. Some (good) scripting capabilities are never worthless.
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