Category: MDT

Michael Niehaus RIS style naming web service – Step by Step 1

Michael Niehaus RIS style naming web service – Step by Step

One of the interestingly often asked question is how to properly name a computer. And it’s sometimes incredible to see how much time people can spend on that rather boring and actually not really helpful topic. Anyway, one solution a couple people really like is to have some kind of...

Back from MMS 2011 0

Back from MMS 2011

Back from MMS 2011 in Las Vegas and somehow managed to catch a cold and even lost my voice this morning. Did I mention already, that I hate all those air-conditions? However that gives me some time to prepare and publish the source code of a couple of the web...

Executing Web services – a generic MDT script 3

Executing Web services – a generic MDT script

As a frequent reader of this blog you have probably seen already a couple posts where we had to execute a web service to accomplish a certain task or get a specific value, etc. MDT itself takes away a lot of the hassle you have to deal with normally, if...

Unable to free up space after a MDT Refresh 0

Unable to free up space after a MDT Refresh

As mentioned, I recently had the pleasure to meet Jeremy Chapman and we had a chat about some Deployment related topics. We also covered some problems we experienced so far and one thing I had forgotten already (Yes, I should have blogged about it already so it’s not gone) was...

Seattle – If you have a stupid idea, stick to it! 1

Seattle – If you have a stupid idea, stick to it!

Just came back from a short trip to Seattle and have to say it’s a really nice city. Nice skyline, not to large, interesting architecture, a lot of green areas inside and around. Felt a bit like a mixture of San Francisco and New Orleans with a lot of musicians...

Coalesce noncontinuous and/or unjoined lists into a single sequential variable list in ConfigMgr OSD Deployments 0

Coalesce noncontinuous and/or unjoined lists into a single sequential variable list in ConfigMgr OSD Deployments

Wow, great title. What does it mean? Well, yesterday I was watching a couple of the recorded sessions of last weeks MMS. One of them was held by Michael Niehaus about dynamic Deployments and he mentioned a problem you might experience mainly in ConfigMgr OSD using collection variables and presented...

Finding computer in Active Directory based on the netbootGuid 2

Finding computer in Active Directory based on the netbootGuid

A couple weeks ago I got a question from a norwegian fellow. They prestage all computers in Active Directory based on their UUID and he wanted to be able to query AD to get the computer name for their Deployments. The UUID of a computer can be stored in the...